Friday, December 25, 2015

The Right Domain Name

The Right Domain Name

Hasil gambar untuk The Right Domain Name

I either make my domain names define themselves exactly or I think of a creative way to state its purpose. Your best bet is to think of a name that is an extension of who you are.

A short and easy to remember URL is friendly to word-of-mouth marketing. Would you feel better referring a friend to or Which would be easier to remember and say? If you make a message hard to spread, then it will probably spread at a slower rate.

Buying Multiple Names

Often times it is worth it to buy multiple domain names, even if you do not use them all. By securing multiple domain names you can decide to use some of your secondary domains to cover similar thematically-related topics AND prevent competitors from purchasing the name.

Within six months of my starting the website, someone was already spamming me trying to sell me I should have spent the additional $8 to register that domain from the start. You also may want to buy a generic name and the domain name that matches your business, and direct them both to the same location.


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