Friday, December 25, 2015

Branding Your Site

Branding Your Site

Hasil gambar untuk Branding Your Site

A keyword-rich domain name will make it easy to get inbound link text with your primary keywords in them, but don’t forget that your domain name also plays a role in your branding. Your domain name should have your branding in mind as it can help reinforce the ideals of your brand.

On the web there are many different business ideas or business models. If low cost is your business model, then you will find people who are willing to work for half your wage that will slash throats to get by on razor thin margins. It is not a way to enjoy life.

Someone can always do your job cheaper. For example, Google turned labeling images into a game. Now thousands of people are labeling images, for free, to improve Google’s image search relevancy. You can take a look at this process by visiting http://

Branding is one of the most important parts of building any website or web-based business, and it is what allows you to establish healthy profit margins. Every Monday, Rob Frankel holds free branding clinics on his website. I recommend going to at least one of them and asking a question or two. He also wrote a great branding book by the name of The Revenge of Brand X.


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