Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Appearing Natural

Appearing Natural

Hasil gambar untuk Appearing Natural web

A recent theme in SEO is finding ways to appear natural. Search engines do not want the most optimized sites at the top of the search results. They want the best pages and best sites.

There are only so many things search engines can look at to determine the quality of a website. You can emulate many of them, but as search algorithms advance, it

will continue to get more difficult. Inevitably, influencing people directly (instead of going after the algorithms) is going to have a higher ROI for many webmasters.

How do you create a natural linkage profile? Create something that lots of people link to without you needing to ask them. Build a real brand that will get people’s attention.

How do you write optimized content? Make the page title clear and then write content remarkable enough that people will want to reference it.


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